February 3 1930-April 28 2011

Here, we celebrate the life of Clara Smale, otherwise known as "Dimpy." We tell some of her story, in photos and in words, each in our own way, and we invite you to add anything if you'd like to; (you should be able to do that directly, but if not, just send your posting to smale@msu.edu).

Tuesday, 21 June 2011


Clara was my kid sister. Seven years ago our sister Jean sent me a birthday card that says it all:

“A sister is love that you never outgrow.
No matter where our paths may wind
Those childhood days we left behind
Are with me in my heart and mind
As I remember you.”

One of the great memories happened when Clara was about 4 ½ years old. She came home from visiting a neighbor family who was moving that day. She carried a half-grown cat and happily exclaimed, “Look what Mr. Hardy giveded me!” Mom was less than thrilled but couldn’t bring herself to say, “No”…after all, it was a gift. We all learned to live with “Toots.”
Everybody in the family took care of Clara. This included walking her when she was a baby and cried, taking her for a ride in the car to put her to sleep, reading to her when she went to bed, taking her to school, buying her formals when she was in college. Yet she was the least spoiled, least self-centered person you could ever know.
She was outgoing, interested in politics, worked on the high school paper, on the Michigan Daily when in college, and passionate about her beliefs.
Clara was a wonderful sister and a joy to know. She will be greatly missed.

Norma Davis Curtis
July 20, 2011

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